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Pop Up Session, Friday 20th September – 2024 – the cusp of the Autumn Equinox. Find your Balance through your personal Sankalpa.


Yoga Nidra working with your Sankalpa in the first part of the class, followed by powerful gong to seal your private intention at a cellular level into your body glove. You sink into an effortless awareness, a half-state between awake and sleep – allowing your subconscious to believe your Sankalpa statement. If you fall asleep, so be it, your mind is receiving the empowering message of the Nidra.

‘It is said, that a Sankalpa statement, said with conviction, cannot help but come true/manifest.’

The studio is ‘low-lit’ – sacred, silent, apart from the use of voice and gong.

Yoga Nidra is a form of yogic sleep – there is no active yoga, we surrender to the sound of a voice guiding you, followed by the gong(s).

You must be able to lie down for an hour, YSY provide mats, props, sheepskin, eye pillow, but if you wish to bring a pillow/cushion or similar and your own eye pillow, your own shawl/blanket, please do, to add to ours.

Please do not attend if you are pregnant – the gong waves are not suitable for anyone pregnant.

Class ticket £15.00

Please choose the date 20th September on Gymcatch booking system – the link is in the website header – or you can use this link to go straight to Gymcatch and find the date on the calendar and book.


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Healing through Planetary Gongs

Friday 18th October 2024 6.30-7.30pm £16.00

Join Emma for a sublime gong bath (mainly two planetary gongs supported by some other sound instruments).
There will be a short yoga nidra with Sankalpa before the gongs. You will be guided through, this is not active yoga, it is yogic sleep in preparation to receive the gongs.

Wear comfy clothes, come as you are!
We provide our usual comfort props but if you have a special eye pillow ( we don’t provide these for hygiene reasons) and head/neck pillow/cosy blanket etc, you are invited to bring these.

Yoga gongs are different to sound bath gongs. They are powerful, vibrational and induce delta and theta brain waves allowing us to deeply and completely relax.
Emma plays her gongs energetically and through interroception. It is said that “you can do nothing but submit the sound of the Gong (=God) after 7 minutes.”
Come for a Friday sound experience that will reboot your human software cells. Let the gong sound allow the week that has passed to peel away. Enter your weekend lighter and softer as the body fasciae releases its stored ‘issues in the tissues’ and reveals a brighter you.

For the comfort of all those attending, we appreciate it if you would come well to this session as coughs, colds, flu etc are disturbing.
Emma does not accept anyone pregnant on her sound sessions due to the powerful volume and energetic vibrations.


visit the timetable to book via the Gymcatch booking app.

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