I’m writing this as Halloween and Samhain approach at the end of October and start of November. Hello, Halloween again, a night which leads into Samhain or All Saints on 1st November and All Saints on 2 November. It’s a time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. A time when some feel able to connect with departed ancestral loved ones, send them gratitude forgiveness, or prayers, asking them for compassion and guidance in our present lives.

It’s also a month for rituals of completion. November helps us clear our hearts ready for the great festival of light on Solstice Day (December 21st). We may be human beings experiencing earth, yet our soul lies within our physical ‘housing’ and like layers of an onion, we continually peel them away during our experience here. As each one peels off us, we reach our own perfect heart showing us the way towards our authentic wisdom.

“Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.”>Eckhart Tolle

The clocks change and we may feel plunged into more darkness, fear the winter. Can we see it as a time of renewal and ‘re-membering’ ourselves? Literally putting ourselves together to continue the maturing journey of our lives, restoring heart and spirit like the natural world dies away and comes alive again with new fruit.

Over the shorter daylight months, we can release old pains of the heart – yes, this takes work, and call upon the healing light of our Creator to live within us as a pulse to keep us open and soft; keep us receiving healing energy, the soft energy that prevents us from stiffening into habitual thinking and instead, use this light to peel away our human onion layer casings that we shroud human hearts within for protection. Perhaps then we can remain open to possibilities, and in relevance for the time of Halloween and Samhain, we can soften and connect into our personal family guides who went before us. We can also feel connected to the collective pain, as we are inseparable and not alone, we are a part of that.

“If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future

Eckhart Tolle

Perhaps these pains or previous family members, or the collective have a message for us? They might have lived through an experience that can show us the way; to follow or not to follow. If their lives held great pain and we feel them ourselves too, might be that our work is to drop this black Halloween cloak of their emotions and feelings and allow ourselves to choose our own dress code? To show up at our own life events in a covering of our truest selves and not fashioned as they were. For whilst we hold reverence for our family relatives and the generational karma, we can have the courage to look at them wearing our courage goggles and know that the work we do now, in this very life we have been given, will work seven generations forward (it is said) and this is what we can do now. No pain of the past, no pain of the future. The power is now, as the famous book by Eckhart Tolle tells us. He was right, and might he have found himself dragged into the darkness of the pains of the past, before he climbed the dark stairs out of that hinterland up into the light of the world. And it shone for him, and can do for you, if you climb that staircase.

‘Softer Sundays’ start on 22 November 2020 at YogaSpace Yorkshire 5-7pm.

Details are on our events page.